Thursday, February 12, 2009

random thoughts

- self-help books are a combination of the distillation of knowledge that everyone knows and should follow but most ignore and the advice that no one should be giving

- i've been feeling very productive. i've been going to work by 7 or 8 every day and mostly staying till 5 -7. i've finished all my work for the next week and am working on the next month's now.

- good music makes me happy. or sad. or emotions in general.

- good lyrics do the same

- street fighter 4 is very fun...and frustrating

- on that note, i realized, if i can't beat something...i will keep playing until i can. i ended up staying up till 1 trying to beat street fighter 4 with one of the new characters. it was immensely frustrating. the sad part is, i felt no satisfaction from beating it. i had just invested too much to quit.

- i like making my own food and i like eating. i just hate the cleaning up part afterwards.